Data Scientist &
Machine Learning Engineer

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About Me

Hi! Currently, I am finishing my Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, and I am a researcher at the Institute of Telecommunications of Aveiro. My main research interests are data science and machine learning.


Oct 2021 - Present Data scientist, Machine Learning Engineer
@ Foundation for Science and Technology
University of Aveiro, Portugal
  1. Analyse and compare Stream Processing Engines.
  2. Development of missing data imputation algorithms for multivariate time series based on machine learning (Focalize kNN) and deep learning (Variational AutoEncoders)
  3. Supervision of the final project of three groups of five students each
  4. Mentoring in the Aveiro Tech City Hackathon
[Work in progress]
Sept 2023 - Nov 2023 Data scientist, Machine Learning Engineer
@ ComNets, Germany
[Work in progress]
Dec 2020 - Sept 2021 Data scientist, Machine Learning Engineer
@ Institute of Telecommunications
University of Aveiro, Portugal
  1. Using deep learning methods (CNN, Hybrid LSTM-CNN) to forecast traffic flow
  2. Analysis and classification of traffic congestion
  3. Traffic characterization using data from buses and RADARs
  4. Detection of faults and failures (missing data blocks) in time series
May 2019 - Nov 2020 Data scientist, Machine Learning Engineer
@ Institute of Electronics and Informatics Engineering of Aveiro
University of Aveiro, Portugal
  1. Developing a communication infrastructure
  2. Conducting statistical analysis and useful visualizations
  3. Using statistical (SARIMA) and deep learning methods (FNN, LSTM) to forecast traffic flow
  4. Identifying non-safe road segments and streets, and classifying the driving profile
  5. Creating an interactive web tool to compare and study driving behavior


Sept 2020 - Present Ph.D. in Computer Engineering
@ University of Aveiro, Portugal
Keywords: Stream Processing Engines, Data Stream, Data Analysis, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Time Series
Sept 2023 - Nov 2023
Ph.D. in Computer Engineering
@ Hamburg University of Technology, Germany, Mobility Program
Sept. 2015 - July 2020
B.S. & Ms.C. in Informatics Engineering
@ University of Aveiro, Portugal
Master's Dissertation: “mCity: Using smart city monitoring data to characterize and improve urban mobility” (Classification: 19/20)
Final classification: 17/20
Keywords: Programming, Software Engineering, Databases, Data Analysis, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Time Series


2023 Introduction to Responsible AI
@ Google, Online
2022 Apache Flink Relational Programming using Table API and SQL
@ Udemy, Online

Key Skills




Data Science Libraries

Streaming, Brokers, and Frameworks



Scientific Publications

